Home Uncategorized V50 V51.0 V51.1 – AIO6 Test Update USIM

V50 V51.0 V51.1 – AIO6 Test Update USIM

Because V50 and V51 are test versions that are subject to change we are not sure if it is working for your phone/sim card pair. If you would like to test them then please do and give us feedback. We decided to hurry in the release of these updates even if not final versions because testing in private is very slow and time-consuming. We are sorry if these updates will not work for you but we appreciate your help.

The update V50 is based on older updates that work with MCC MNC TMSI unlock method. The purpose of this update is to get 2G signal then reset to unlock mode. The update still supports settings edit like previous updates but will only display the settings input after reset in unlock mode.

The Settings input message has 3 ways you can interact with:

  • Pressing Cancel will, in fact, cancel the unlock process and will reset the phone to start again. This is useful once the phone loses signal or if it does not acquire a signal from the beginning
  • Pressing Back button will allow you do continue even if no signal without restarting unlock
  • Applying  settings works like in previous updates.

Once the phone is in unlocked mode you can go to the menu and select 2G if the phone supports this option in the Carrier Menu.

For phones that only support LTE enabled or disable LTE should be enabled. This will work but not with all sim cards (some sim cards after failing to register 4G will revert back to 2G mode even if LTE is selected). You need to wait 1-2 minutes after the phone is unlocked to see if the signal is regained or not. (you can do so by waiting in the Settings menu (no need to press Back or Cancel). If the signal is lost completely and some time has passed you can press Cancel and restart. We have tested this update with more sim cards than in previous updates so Invalid SIM errors should not appear. If they do, please contact us.

V51.0 will also enable the registration in 4G. This depends on the Carrier settings selected in the phone settings. Some sim cards will enable the use of 4G but this depends on the phone model and network.

V51.1 will work more closely to the previous V32 update.

For all updates, the Settings menu buttons have the same functions.

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3 Responses

  1. ernesto

    gives sim error

  2. Spacy

    With update 51.1, the E disappears after 10 seconds then goes back to 3G.
    The Sim That i Use Is (Flow)
    From Jamaica.
    (Try to Work some magic for the E to remain)

  3. Dfurka

    Sim error v51.0

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