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E-Knife (Electronics Knife) 8 in 1 Toolkit

Published on July 4, 2017 by in

E-Knife 8 in 1 Toolkit is specially designed for CPU & BGA chip removal and glue cleaning. It’s makes it a unique and required tool in every professional mobile phone repair center ! Price includes Hong Kong Post free shipping! Specifications : Stainless steel with high carbon content High temperature resistant characteristics High elasticity and safety

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iBus S2 iWatch adaptor

Published on July 4, 2017 by in

Now you can finally restore your iWatch S2 (38mm & 42mm) on your own. Using our iBus S2 adaptor and a Lightning cable (nor provided) you can use iTunes under MacOS or MFC Box under Windows to restore your iWatch. Subject to availability of restore flash files from Apple! Price does not include shipping! Please

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iBus S1 iWatch Adaptor

Published on July 4, 2017 by in

Now you can finally restore your  iWatch S0 & S1 models (38mm & 42mm) on your own. Using our iBus S1 adaptor and a Lightning cable (nor provided) you can use iTunes under MacOS or MFC Box under Windows to restore your iWatch. Subject to availability of restore flash files from Apple! Price does not

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